Olivine in ultramafic rocks from the Polaris Alaskan-type …

Dunite (>90 vol% olivine) is the predominant rock type on the eastern edge of the Polaris intrusion (Fig. 3 a).The nature of contacts between dunite and other ultramafic rocks is variable (Nixon et al., 1997; Nott et al., 2020a, Nott et al., 2020b).Dunite commonly exhibits gradational contacts with olivine wehrlite (65–90 vol% olivine) and wehrlite …

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The interactions between olivine dissolution and …

However, a few studies focusing on olivine dissolution in seawater have been reported. Montserrat et al. (2017) reported that olivine dissolution in artificial and natural seawater caused a significant increase in alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) due to CO 2 sequestration. It has been predicted that dissolved ions such as …

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Olivine Dissolution in Seawater: Implications for CO

Materials. Commercially available olivine sand (Mg 2–x Fe x SiO 4) and lab-grade quartz (SiO 2) were used in slurry dissolution experiments.The olivine sand (particle size quantiles: D10 = 91 μm, D50 = 143 μm, D90 = 224 μm) had a molar Mg-to-Fe ratio of 0.94:0.06, characterizing the olivine as forsterite-94 (Fo 94).The Ni content was …

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(PDF) Thin amorphous films (1-2 nm) at olivine grain …

Thin amorphous films (1-2 nm) at olivine grain boundaries in mantle xenoliths from San Carlos, Arizona ... high energy grain boundaries. In the following, Al2O3, TiO2 and CaO are considered as impurities because their concentration in olivine usually is very low (.0.1 wt%). The concentration of CaO might be slightly higher. The mean value and ...

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Olivine dissolution rates: A critical review

A second major reason to review olivine dissolution rates is that its reactivity is relatively simple. Its structure is comprised of isolated Si O 4 4− tetrahedra linked by divalent cations. As such, its dissolution mechanism is less complex than most other naturally occurring multi-oxide silicates (Oelkers, 2001a).As there are no Si-O-Si …

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Rheology of amorphous olivine thin films characterized by

Introduction. Olivine, a silicate with composition (Mg,Fe) 2 SiO 4, is the major constituent (60 to 80 %) of the Earth's mantle up to ca. 410 km deep where it transforms into a high-pressure polymorph, called wadsleyite. The mechanical properties of olivine are of primary importance in geodynamics since this mineral controls the …

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Measuring H2O concentrations in olivine by secondary …

O to refer to the concentration of structurally bound H in a crystal, and where appropriate, H + for discussing the diffusing species. Olivine typically has only trace concentrations of H 2 O (0–60 ppm), yet because it is the dominant upper-mantle mineral, it plays a prominent role in mantle dynamics (Demouchy and Bolfan-Casanova 2016).

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