Bahan Mata Acara Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham …

Presiden Komisaris, PT Maruwai Coal Presiden Komisaris, PT Kalteng Coal Presiden Komisaris, PT Sumber Barito Coal Presiden Komisaris, PT Juloi Coal Presiden Komisaris, PT Lahai Coal Presiden Komisaris, PT Ratah Coal Presiden Komisaris, PT Pari Coal Komisaris Utama, PT Mustika Indah Permai

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Saham Terbang 1.137% di 2022, Ini Profil Adaro Minerals

 — Perseroan memiliki 5 konsesi tambang PKP2B di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Tengah, seluas 146.579 hektare per 31 Desember 2021. Dua dari lima anak usahanya berstatus operasional (PT Lahai Coal-LC dan PT Maruwai Coal-MC) dan sia di fase operasi produksi (PT Kalteng Coal-KC, PT Juloi Coal-JC, dan PT Sumber Barito …

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Juloi Coal PT | Profil Perusahaan

Informasi Perusahaan Juloi Coal PT - Alamat Perusahaan Juloi Coal PT - Nomor Telepon dan Kontak Perusahaan Juloi Coal PT. WhatsApp Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Email. Daftar Perusahaan lainnya : Ratah Coal PT. Jl Jend Sudirman Kav 10-11 Midplaza 2 Lt 3 JAKARTA 10220. Maruwai Coal PT.

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Resume PT

PT. Asia Pasific Mineral Coal holds a mining concession to extract coal in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The concession covers 483.50 hectares and contains an estimated 5.5 million metric tons of coal. The coal has characteristics suitable for power generation with a gross calorific value of 3,239 kcal/kg and low ash and sulfur content. The coal is transported …

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Kami telah melayani perusahaan-perusahaan nasional dan multinasional melalui unit bisnis Training & Development, Consulting dan Trading. Perusahaan – perusahaan tersebut antara lain: Testimonial Client tentang Kami PT. PAQAR luar biasa selama saya mengikuti training pelayanannya baik kemudian pemateri yang menyampaikan orang-orang yang …

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Adaro Minerals Indonesia

First shipment of Hard Coking Coal (HCC) in May 2020. 2021. PT Jasapower Indonesia changed its name to PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk; Through PT Alam Tri Daya Indonesia, the Company completed the acquisition of 99% ownership in PT Lahai Coal, PT Maruwai Coal, PT Sumber Barito Coal, PT Kalteng Coal, and PT Juloi Coal from PT …

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Adaro Minerals Indonesia

PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk (BEI: ADMR) adalah perusahaan anak PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk yang berfokus pada bisnis pertambangan batu bara metalurgi serta pengolahan mineral. Saat ini perseroan …

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 — Sebelumnya, beliau juga pernah menduduki jabatan penting yang meliputi Direktur di PT Pama Indo Mining (1999-2005), Komisaris PT Pama Indo Mining (2005-2008), Direktur PT Pamapersada Nusantara (2004-2008), Direktur PT Saptaindra Sejati (2008-2018), Direktur PT Adaro Jasabara Indonesia (2015-2017), Direktur PT Lahai …

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The Adaro Group's Coal Resources and Reserves

PT Juloi Coal Bumbun (metallurgical/ thermal) OC 200 28 79 92 200 200 28.2 79.4 92.1 200 0 0% 0 0% PT Juloi Coal Juloi Northwest (metallurgical/thermal) OC 639 - 62 577 639 639 - 62.5 576.5 639 0 0% 0 0% PT Kalteng Coal Luon (metallurgical/ thermal) OC 150 23 27 100 150 150 23.4 26.8 100.1 150 0 0% 0 0% PT Kalteng Coal Luon …

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Kepemilikan PT Juloi Coal terdiri atas . PT Alam Tri Abadi (99%) dan Coaltrade Services International Pte.Ltd (1%), lihat Tabel 1.1. Tabel 1. 1 Kepemilikan Saham PT Juloi Coal per 30 Oktober 2017 KEPEMILIKAN JUMLAH USD ($) PT Alam Tri Abadi (99 %) 104.788.220 Coaltrade Services International Pte.Ltd (1 %) 1.085.740 . 1.2 Legalitas

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Adaro Aluminum Smelter power station

The 5 CCoWs were in the operation and production operation development stages: Maruwai Coal was operating and selling metallurgical coal, Lahai Coal was conducting mining optimization, while Kalteng Coal, Sumber Barito Coal, and Juloi Coal were in the development phase. The overview provided a helpful map.

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Pacu Ekspor Kokas, Adaro Minerals (ADMR) Bakal Buka 3 …

 — Bloomberg Technoz, Jakarta – PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk berencana fokus pada ekspor batu bara metalurgi atau kokas (coking coal) dengan memperluas tiga areal tambang, serta meningkatkan produksi dari dua tambang eksisting sebanyak 6 juta ton per tahun. Cadangan atau total sumber daya batu bara perusahaan berkode saham …

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Your Website Title

Age. 58 as at 31 December 2023. Education History. · Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Southern California, USA. · MBA, Northrop University, California, USA. …

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pt juloi coal

PT Ratah Coal, PT Juloi Coal, PT Pari Coal, PT Sumber Barito Coal, PT Kalteng Coal dan PT Maruwai Coal. Sebagian besar mereka menambang batubara jenis logam. ASX RELEASE EXALT TO ENTER INDONESIAN COAL INDUSTRY PT Sumber Daya Energi North Barito Regency, East Kalimantan Province . Murung Raya Regency is the most …

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Adaro Minerals Indonesia

PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk (BEI: ADMR) adalah perusahaan anak PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk yang berfokus pada bisnis pertambangan batu bara metalurgi serta pengolahan mineral. Saat ini perseroan beroperasi sebagai produsen batu bara metalurgi pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia dan sedang membangun smelter aluminium di …

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The Adaro Group's Coal Resources and Reserves

Adaro total sub-bituminous Coal Reserves: PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Semesta Centra Mas, PT Parmitha Cipta Sarana, PT Mustika Indah Permai 988 872 116 1,109 986 123 -121 -11% Adaro total bituminous Coal Reserves: PT Lahai Coal, PT Maruwai Coal 7.73 7.57 0.16 0.25 0.25 - 7.5 2994% Adaro total metallurgical Coal Reserves: PT

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Adaro Minerals Indonesia

Perusahaan ini didirikan oleh Adaro Energy pada tahun 2007 dengan nama "PT Jasapower Indonesia". Pada tahun 2010, Adaro Energy mengakuisisi 25% saham PT Lahai Coal, PT Maruwai Coal, PT Kalteng Coal, PT Sumber Barito Coal, dan PT Juloi Coal.Pada tahun 2015, PT Lahai Coal mulai memproduksi batu bara metalurgi semi lunak berkualitas …

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PT Alam Tri Abadi Company Profile

 — Report with financial data, key executives contacts, ownership details & and more for PT Alam Tri Abadi in Indonesia. Report is available for immediate purchase & download from EMIS. ... Pt. Juloi Coal . Pt. Kalteng Coal . Looking for more than just a company report? EMIS company profiles are part of a larger information service which …

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PT Asmin Bara Bronang

With a total area of 24,980 hectares, ABB’s mining site is located in Kapuas and Murung Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan, and consisting of 3 mining blocks: Mamput, Bekanon and Merangun. ABB brands its products as an A-Plus Coal, globally renowned as a premium quality coal with its high calorific value of CV GAR 6,500 kcal/kg.

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Adaro Minerals (ADMR) Will Develop 3 More Mines

 — Meanwhile, ADMR still has coal production pockets from Juloi Coal, Kalteng Coal and Sumber Barito Coal. Each has coal reserves of 55.5 million tons, 17.7 million tons and 5.8 million tons. Director of Adaro Minerals Indonesia Totok Azhariyanto stated that the company is currently carrying out a detailed study process for 3 mines and further ...

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