What Ukraine needs to win the war

 — The US and Europe do not need to introduce ground troops in order to ensure Ukraine's success. Magnificent Ukrainian resistance has badly hurt the Russian military, which is almost totally committed in Ukraine. An opportunity now exists to end further Russian aggression in the European security space for a generation, and …

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Need, have to, must, should in Russian

Должен can express an obligation (have to, must) or expectation (should, expected, supposed). It agrees in gender and number with the subject as follows: до́лжен – masculine должна́ – feminine должно́ – neuter должны́ – plural. Examples: Ты до́лжен извини́ться. You have to apologize.

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Should NATO step up role in Russia-Ukraine war?

 — As Russia opens a new front in its war on Ukraine and the 75th NATO Summit approaches in early July, national security analysts debated whether the military alliance should widen its role in the conflict during a talk Friday at Harvard Kennedy School. ... Ukraine needs to do several things to turn the tide, said Stephen Hadley, a former ...

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What does Russia really want? — Harvard Gazette

 — Retired Brigadier Gen. Kevin Ryan, a senior fellow at Harvard's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, said even though it is unlikely that Russia would invade Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, their NATO membership, Lithuania's borders with Russia-friendly Belarus, and Estonia and Latvia's with Russia raise the stakes of a ...

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The West needs to get real about security – POLITICO

 — This means abandoning the current approach and instead giving Ukraine the weapons and munitions it needs to break through Russian defenses, render the Russian military in Ukraine combat-ineffective, and communicate, in no uncertain terms, that the Russian Federation's dream of empire is a fantasy. Resourcing Ukraine in such a way …

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