Mining in Space Is Coming

The environmental impacts of space mining activities remain speculative, but they could undermine the safety of crewed and robotic missions. ... But while, just a few decades ago, it was easy to dismiss the idea of space industry in general and space mining in particular as the stuff of science fiction, the worm has definitely turned. Today, …

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Based on information that was collected in August 2017, this paper discusses various aspects of the mining industry. These include Zimbabwe's mining legislation, environmental impacts of the mining industry at global level, in the SADC region and in Zimbabwe. Problems which confront the industry as well as their possible solutions in …

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Australian Mining Risk Forecast 2024

In our latest Australian Mining Risk Forecast, we look into the top-ranking risks for the mining and metals industry, based on the self-reported material risks of mining companies in the ASX 300. This year climate change and other ESG concerns, together with how they may impact commodity prices, are at the forefront of mining …

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Elevating community well-being in mining areas: the …

In response to the urgent environmental and social challenges posed by mining operations, this paper introduces the Mining Area Sustainability Index (MASI), a novel framework aimed at transforming the mining sector towards sustainable practices. Mining activities have historically led to significant environmental degradation, …

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Oil and gas industry: the sustainability challenge

Ecological impact, costs, yields: challenges facing the oil and gas industry. Constantly rising global demand, extreme price volatility and increasingly restrictive environmental regulations mean there are three key challenges that actors from the oil and gas industry have to tackle: limit their environmental impact, reduce their costs and optimize their …

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The Influence of Environmental Pollution and Drought on the

In the past century, Zambia's mining industry has been the economy's main driver, and it has considerably contributed to economic and societal development (Choongo et al., 2020). As a heavy industry, mining is among the most polluting (e.g., air, water, and soil) (Mulenga, 2019). The mining activities are mainly in the country's northern ...

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• According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the mining industry has been facing a number of sector-specific issues related to regulation, geopolitical risk, and legal limits on natural ... environmental management in the mining was not well regulated. • There are approximately 6000 derelict and ownerless mines in South Africa. These include

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24 Challenges faced by Artisanal, small-medium scale

The artisanal and small scale mining industry is on an upward trajectory in Zimbabwe and is estimated to be supporting over 1,5 million Zimbabweans. As a fairly new industry, it is faced with a myriad of challenges that can be overcome if proper solutions are put in place. This article was written by a Small-scale

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The Environmental Problems Caused by Mining

Mining and mineral processing operations often have high water footprints as many stages require the use of water. Examples include dust mitigation, removing soluble particles, sieving and separation processes, and in creating tailings dams for waste management. Although some …

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The role of environmental auditing in compliance …

•Adopted as environmental management tool in non-compliances IEM guideline series 2 (2004) •Included in the environmental framework act (NEMA 107 of 1998) • initial inclusion in terms of model bylaws, which has never been implemented (1998) • compliance auditing added & performance assessment (auditing) of mining EMPrs (2009)

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Recruitment and Retention Challenges in the Mining Industry

G lobally the mining industry is faced with a shortage of qualified talent to meet its production needs. Every year there are more people leaving than entering this sector to pursue job and career opportunities. Some of the key reasons for this trend include the general image of the industry, the declining numbers of graduates from mining related …

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The Platinum Industry in South Africa

Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) have found diverse applications, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, where they produce equipment, micro-machines, and implants to enhance the quality of life for ageing populations. Additionally, the demand for advanced hard drives that require platinum is expected to power technological advancements such …

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Challenges in the Mining Industry

By: Carson EzellIn the mountains of Southern Peru, the Quellaveco Copper Mine—a 5 billion dollar investment by mining firm Anglo American—is set to become operational in 2022. Beyond that, there are relatively few new mining projects under development, especially related to copper. Nevertheless, the demand for minerals …

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